Risk Prevention for Highly Mobile Families

TCKs who are highly mobile tend to have higher levels of developmental trauma due to continual grief, loss, lack of control in everyday life, confusion and ambiguity towards cultural and social norms and more. We want to help curb the negative impacts of high mobility in order for TCKs to be healthy both now and on into adulthood. In this 90-minute workshop we will discuss how to implement structure, traditions, habits, and practical tools into the TCKs life for stability, and when to consider the need for a less mobile lifestyle in order to bring your TCKs healing.



Elizabeth Vahey Smith


1.5 Hours

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Care Providers

Adult TCKs

Whether you want to boost your career within the company you are working or grow at your own business by applying the latest strategies we teach, this is the way.
You will learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.
We guarantee you an exceptional experience with flexible learning paths and professional guidance

Meet the instructor

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Elizabeth Vahey Smith

Chief Operating Officer

Author of The Practice of Processing, Elizabeth is a skilled communicator and trauma-informed educator who helps transform abstract concepts into practical steps, equipping, encouraging, and empowering people to reach their goals. Elizabeth is a mom of two worldschooling TCKs.

Click on the video on the left to meet Elizabeth!