Is anyone else getting restless during this season of travel restrictions? I have had to cancel nearly all of my trips for the year, as I’m sure many of you have as well. For the goer in me, not having that on the horizon feels a bit suffocating. So, I’m anticipating a year filled with many days of rearranging furniture, trying new hobbies, repainting walls, adding new resources to TCK Training, and any other healthy outlets I can find to satisfy this TCK’s need for change. If you are a TCK, I’d encourage you to think proactively by making a list of “healthy change” options for you to choose from when you feel that itch for change coming on. Combatting it in a healthy way can prevent your unsatisfied restlessness from coming out in unhealthy ways. If you are a parent, change things up for your kids! Your young TCKs will likely appreciate a new paint color on the wall even if they’re too young to express that it is the change they're needing.