We've often heard people saying that their churches could really use the information we regularly share, so we've developed a training specifically for churches. If there are churches who you would love to see receiving this training, we would love for you to invite them.
We've crafted an invitation you can forward to them and we even have some email drafts to make it easy for you to invite the churches that support you and the TCK families you care for!
We've crafted an invitation you can forward to them and we even have some email drafts to make it easy for you to invite the churches that support you and the TCK families you care for!
If you'd like to use one of our email templates, click the button to launch your email client and start editing; or copy and paste!
Hey John,
I know Crossroads is supporting a large number of missionaries right now and this resource is geared to you. We love TCK Training, they're doing quality research in missionary kids, and they create great content on how to care for them well. Here's the invite!
Hope to see you there,
Hi Dave,
I know CHCC is restructuring their mission program. I think it could be an awesome opportunity to really strengthen what support from the church could look like! TCK Training (I don't know if you've heard of them but they're doing amazing work in Missionary Kid Care) is doing a Churches Supporting Missionary Kids training to give a bunch of practical strategies on how to support missionary families well. It sounds like something you'd be interested in so here's the invitation!
Hey Chris,
As I've been thinking about how to care more intentionally for the TCKs in our organization, I'm wondering if the real answer is to have better partnership with the churches who support our Missionary families. There's an upcoming training that I think would be interesting to do together to help us strategize how we could do that well. Here's the invitation for the training. Let me know if you're interested in doing this together!
Hope to see you there,
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