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Elizabeth Vahey Smith

Chief Operating Officer
Elizabeth has a background in linguistics, counseling, and therapeutic art. She is an experienced debriefer and Debrief Certification instructor. Elizabeth is trained in Forensic Child Interviewing and is the Child Safety Officer for TCK Training.
Elizabeth is a skilled communicator - both as a presenter and as a writer. Punctuated with witty humor,  she guides her audience through anecdotes & principles, toward practical destinations, until they arrive feeling equipped & empowered to continue their journey themselves.
It is impossible to live an intentional life without processing our emotional experiences, yet, so many of us did not grow up learning this skill. The Practice of Processing: Exploring Our Emotions to Chart an Intentional Course gently invites us to delve into our experiences from an emotional perspective and gives us a helpful grid for doing this work that has historically been so abstract. If you are looking to grow in emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and internal processing, this book will guide you in that journey.

Workshops by Elizabeth