Criando NTCs Sanos - Grabación

This workshop recording covers the same material as our Raising Healthy TCKs LIVE workshop, but all of it is translated into Spanish.

Este taller incluirá traducción al español. El taller "Criando NTC Sanos (Niños de la Tercera Cultura)" es prerrequisito para los demás talleres de TCK Training, ya que provee el fundamento para el enfoque preventivo de la organización TCK Training. Será una ocasión de aumentar habilidades, aprendizaje, y ánimo para todos los que aman y apoyan a los NTC. Enseñado por Lauren Wells.
Tipo de recurso 


Enseñado por

Lauren Wells


3 horas

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This workshop is included in our Parent and Caregiver memberships. Subscribe using the button below to get access to this workshop and more, in addition to other invaluable membership benefits!

Why should I take this course?


Care Specialist

Adult TCKs

This workshop is aimed for you. Through this workshop, you'll be able to recognize the Key Challenge areas for TCKs and practical skills for helping them navigate those challenges to promote lifelong thriving. 
Equipping you with the Key Challenges of TCKs and how to practically address them, this workshop will model how to provide parents with this foundational education to set their children up for success abroad. 
While this workshop is not aimed at adult TCKs, many adult TCKs have valued this content as it names many of the issues they wrestled with in adulthood and helps them notice how their parents did support them and other ways that they needed additional support. This can be a validating, normalizing, and encouraging workshop for Adult TCKs. 

Meet the instructor

Write your awesome label here.

Lauren Wells

Chief Executive Officer

Lauren is the Founder and CEO of TCK Training and author of Raising Up a Generation of Healthy Third Culture Kids, What Made That Feel So Hard: The Unstacking Method, and more. An Adult Third Culture Kid (ATCK) who spent her teenage years living in Tanzania, East Africa, Lauren has worked with over 1,000 parents and TCK caregivers and has trained staff from over 80 organizations. 

Click on the video on the left to meet Lauren! 

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