Informing TCKs of Tragedy

"Are they old enough to hear about this kind of thing?"
"How do I tell them so they won't be scared?"
"Surely they're better off not knowing." 

This workshop is designed to provide caregivers of Third Culture Kids (TCKs) with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively communicate about tragedy with their children. As individuals who have experienced multiple cultural transitions, TCKs may face unique challenges when processing traumatic events. This workshop will equip caregivers with strategies for understanding their children's emotional needs and providing age-appropriate information.


Recording Duration

1 hour


Elizabeth Vahey Smith

Recording Available

June 3,

Q&A Date

June 17,

Q&A Time

(ET, New York)

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Elizabeth Vahey Smith

Chief Operating Officer
Author of The Practice of Processing, Elizabeth is a skilled communicator and trauma-informed educator who helps transform abstract concepts into practical steps, equipping, encouraging, and empowering people to reach their goals. Elizabeth is a mom of two worldschooling TCKs.

Click on the video on the left to meet Elizabeth! 
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