Living in Limbo
A limbo transition happens when there is uncertainty in the “when” and “how” of a transition. Living in this "in between" state can be especially hard because we don’t know how to process, grieve, or move forward. Trying to prepare for your next location when you may not know when you will get there, or even where you are going, can complicate things!
For Adult TCKs, childhood experiences of living in limbo can also impact relationships and life direction in adulthood.
In this workshop Parents will learn how to support themselves and their TCKs in the midst of a limbo transition, Caregivers will learn how to care for their families in these seasons, and Adult TCKs will learn how to process past experiences of limbo so this does not affect their present.
For Adult TCKs, childhood experiences of living in limbo can also impact relationships and life direction in adulthood.
In this workshop Parents will learn how to support themselves and their TCKs in the midst of a limbo transition, Caregivers will learn how to care for their families in these seasons, and Adult TCKs will learn how to process past experiences of limbo so this does not affect their present.
Tanya Crossman &
Jessi Bullis