Turning TCK Hardships into Resilience-Building Experiences
Research shows that TCKs are at a higher risk for Adverse Childhood Experiences than monocultural children. Without intentional care, these developmental traumas can have lasting physical, mental, emotional, and social repercussions.
However, with intentional care TCKs can come out of their traumatic experiences strong, prepared, and resilient. We will provide you with suggestions for implementing this intentional care into your TCK’s lives to directly counteract the effects of those Adverse Childhood Experiences.
This 3-hour workshop is for parents, caregivers, organizations, and anyone else who has an impactful role in a TCK’s life.
However, with intentional care TCKs can come out of their traumatic experiences strong, prepared, and resilient. We will provide you with suggestions for implementing this intentional care into your TCK’s lives to directly counteract the effects of those Adverse Childhood Experiences.
This 3-hour workshop is for parents, caregivers, organizations, and anyone else who has an impactful role in a TCK’s life.
3 hours
Lauren Wells
Related Resources:
Meet the instructor