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Jessi Bullis

Director of Adult TCK Services & Marketing

Jessi is an Adult TCK who grew up in Singapore, England, Turkey, and Germany. She has a heart and passion for TCKs and the unique struggles they face. She received her undergraduate in psychology and a seminary degree in counseling for the purpose of caring for TCKs well.

Jessi's loves getting to walk through the repatriation journey with Adult TCKs. Each summer she volunteers at International Interaction transition seminar, Transit Lounge. It was also out

of this passion that Jessi began developing our repatriation resources to provide guidance, support, and development for ATCKs who are transitioning to their passport country.

Featured On

Click on the images to read the full articles or listen to the podcast.

Glancing in the Rear View Mirror

A Life Overseas Blog

Can I Find Belonging in the American Church? {Wrestlings of an Adult MK}

A Life Overseas Blog

Living in Europe & Asia & TCK Care

Worn Shoes Podcast
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What Hope Looks Like

Talks with a TCK Friend

Workshops & Trainings led by Jessi