ACEs and PCEs

We talk about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) a lot here at TCK Training. Research on ACEs and PCEs (which began in the 1990s and continues to the present day) helps us understand the impact that certain events that occur during childhood have on a person throughout their life — both positively and negatively.

In 2021 we did a survey of ACEs among globally mobile Third Culture Kids (TCKs), and in 2022 we released two separate white papers exploring data we collected and analyzed during this survey. Both white papers are available on our website. In “Caution and Hope” we include a discussion of ACEs and their history; both papers discuss negative outcomes in adulthood associated with childhood ACEs. The sources of this information are cited in the reference lists of each paper.

The following three infographics will expand your understanding of ACEs and PCEs, and how to apply them. First, there is an ACE Questionnaire to help you determine your own ACE score. Next, there is a discussion of resilience in TCKs, and how ACEs and PCEs apply to this question. Finally, we have an infographic all about PCEs and how to implement them throughout the globally mobile lives of TCKs.

We also have a family PCEs inventory worksheet which is included in our Family Curriculum C, and can be purchased separately for $5.
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