Direct to Family Services

Debriefs, coaching, and trainings that work directly with TCK parents and the TCKs themselves. 

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Pre-Departure Training

— Why Pre-Departure Training?
For most global workers, pre-departure preparations can take years. All the different facets of an employee's impending transition are considered, but the children are often overlooked. Children experience a huge upheaval as they depart from their passport country to a new location. That upheaval can be an opportunity for growth or it can be a missed opportunity. Let us help set you and your TCKs up for success in this upcoming transition! 

Many families preparing for departure have emphasized their need to have their questions about their children amidst this transition answered by an expert in TCK care. The consulting sessions included in these packages provide that opportunity for general questions, but also have a structure that will enable families to know what questions they should be asking. Preliminary worksheets will be provided prior to the first consult to provide some initial education and allow parents time to think through the information and how it applies to them before the first consult session. The second consult session will be similarly supported, while still offering space for parent questions.
— What we offer

What you learn
  • How to help your children to build an emotional vocabulary and process the emotions of transition
  • How to talk with your children about identity and this new part of them that is a TCK
  • How to help your children process grief and say "goodbye"
  • How to have conversations around expectations of the new place
  • How to have healthy family conversations
  • What "normal" transition stress looks like and how to know when your children need outside help
  • How to support each child uniquely based on their responses during various activities 
What your tcks learn
  • Self-awareness about their emotions and how to express emotions, specifically about the upcoming move, in a healthy way
  • What is a TCK
  • How to process grief and say good goodbyes
  • What their conscious and subconscious expectations are of the new place
  • How to have healthy family conversations
  • The strengths they have that will serve them through this transition
What's Included
  • Age-appropriate pre-field training packet
  • Instructions for each worksheet (elementary)
  • Family discussion guides
  • Time with a highly qualified TCK Training caregiver
  • 15% discount on a 1-yr Parent Membership or Family Care Package
Let us provide TCK specific Pre-Departure Training for you!
Pre-Departure Training covers preparing to enter a new country, getting ready to say goodbye, how to prepare for a new culture, and more.

Deluxe Package

8 total hours of private sessions with a TCK Training Caregiver as they walk your family through pre-departure preparations for your future TCKs.

  • Virtual Training
  • 2 Consulting Sessions

Self-Directed Package

Walk your family through the self-guided materials in pre-departure preparation. Consulting Sessions will be ideally scheduled 6 months prior to departure and 2 weeks prior to departure.
  • Pre-Departure Packet
  • 2 Consulting Sessions

Toddler Package

For those with all children under 5, a private training  reviewing  developmental expectations, maintaining connection, saying goodbye, routine, arrival considerations, customized to your family's needs and relocations plans. 
  • 2 hour personalized training
  • 1 hour follow-up consult


-Why do we need to debrief?
Most parents want to find ways to support their children throughout various transitions and unique difficulties, however their sending agencies do not always provide care or resources tailored for TCKs.  Family Debriefs are an excellent way for expatriate families to check in and process the experiences of international life - including mobility, transition, and potentially traumatic events.
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Virtual Debrief

Elementary-Aged Kids
In a virtual debrief, we meet just with the parents in Zoom sessions and coach them through using our debrief materials with their elementary-aged kids. Parents will share how their children engaged with the activities and we'll provide expert insights on ways to support their TCKs. 
  • 3 Parent Sessions with TCK Care Expert
  • Debrief Materials
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Teen-Aged Kids
+$150/per teen

In addition to the base package, teens will meet directly with the TCK Care expert to walk through the materials in 3 one-on-one sessions per teenager.
  • Debrief Materials
  • 3 Parent Sessions with TCK Care Expert
  • 3 Teen one-on-one sessions with TCK Care Expert

In-Person Debrief

$1800 + travel expenses

Our TCK Care Experts will travel to your location to facilitate a 2-Day Debrief with your family. Debrief Days each include Kids Sessions, Family Sessions, and Parent Only Sessions. 
  • 2-Day Debrief facilitated by TCK Care Expert

Platinum Debrief

Use your debrief as a family retreat, spending three nights in a water front property in Pensacola, FL. Evan and Jewel Evans are a team of 2 debriefers who graciously host families in a way that has families leave feeling renewed, refreshed, and full of hope after processing their grief as a family.  This Debrief includes debriefing for the parents as well as the kids.
  • 2-Day Debrief facilitated by 2 TCK Care Experts
  • 3 nights room and board in Pensacola
travel not included

Parent-Led Family Debrief


Watch pre-recorded videos to learn how to guide your family through our debrief content.
  • Debrief Materials
  • Video Instruction

Season of Crisis Debrief

$1800 + travel expenses
Our Season of Crisis debrief respects the research showing that talking about a crisis too soon can worsen the effects of trauma.
Instead, this debrief focuses on promoting healthy family dynamics by helping each family member recognize how they and each other cope, process, and heal from trauma, check to see if those strategies are healthy, and encourage an emotionally safe space for everyone.  

Our TCK Care Experts will travel to your location to facilitate a 2-Day Debrief with your family. Debrief Days each include Kids Sessions, Family Sessions, and Parent-Only Sessions. 
  • 2 Day Debrief facilitated by TCK Care Expert

Organizational Packages

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Family Care Packages

We Prioritize your children's wellbeing!

While most global workers have amazing people speaking into their life to encourage their work and their efficiency, sometimes the goals for productivity can overlook the needs of the children. At TCK Training, we want your children to receive every benefit the TCK life can afford them. That looks like parents thriving in their work at the very same time that kids are thriving in their homes. Let us support you in achieving that! 

Standard Packages:

Bronze plan

Take advantage of the vast, regularly expanded, library of TCK Training workshops, and make use of the full family resources of the curricula.
  • Family Curricula
  • Parent Membership

Silver plan

Have a TCK Training Caregiver walk with your family throughout a year, coaching you through parenting TCKs in the specific events your family is facing each month.
  • Family Curricula
  • Parent Membership
  • 6 Bi-monthly Coaching Sessions

Gold plan

Have a TCK Training Caregiver walk with your family throughout a year, coaching you through parenting your TCKs in the specific events your family is facing each month.
  • Family Curricula
  • Parent Membership
  • 12 Bi-monthly Coaching Sessions
  • Virtual Debrief
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We don't want for you to have to figure out alone what the best package is for your family. You've got enough to sort out! Regardless of where your family is in your journey, we'll create a custom Family Care Package that meets your family’s needs. 



Monthly Group Coaching Sessions and so much more...

With a multitude of workshops, exclusive content, and monthly group sessions, our Memberships are a simple way to continuously learn about the needs of TCKs and how you can utilize preventive care in your home to build resilience in your TCKs. 

Looking for services for your Adult TCK?

TCK Training offers a variety of one-on-one coaching options through Unstacking Sessions or Repatriation coaching to help ATCKs navigate returning to their passport country, transition challenges, and processing grief.
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