2022 Round Up, Part 2

Podcasts for the Missionary Community

We really appreciated how much interest the global missionary community took in our research in 2022. In our previous post we shared eight blog posts that featured us and our research in 2022. In this post, we are sharing three podcast episodes from the mission world in 2022, as well as two features in Christianity Today magazine, which highlight the research work TCK Training has been doing.

Christianity Today

Journalist Rebecca Hopkins did a series of two articles for Christianity Today in 2022 which dealt with trauma in missionary kids and how this is being addressed. Both pieces featured TCK Training’s research into ACE Scores in TCKs. Lauren Wells was interviewed for the first article, and Tanya Crossman was interviewed for the second article. Many other voices we recognise and appreciate appreared in each article.
So many aspects of what can be difficult about missionary life for children is explored in this longform article, with quotes from people who experienced it. There is particular reference to how the Ukraine conflict affects MKs.

This article looks at abuse in missionary communities, and the experiences of missionary kids seeking justice for abuses they faced as children. It is difficult but important reading.

Click here to read the article.


Aaron Santmyire hosted both Tanya and Lauren on the Clarity podcast for the missionary community. In his conversation with Tanya, they discuss data from TCK Training’s research on trauma in TCKs and implications from this.

Click here to listen to the episode.

In the following episode, Lauren Wells joins Aaron to discuss preventive care and what the missionary community can do to protect children on the mission field and throughout their lives.

Click here to listen to the episode.

Michele explores trauma in MKs, with reference to TCK Training’s research, including struggles unique to MKs.

This podcast episode is an audio version of the Michele Phoenix blog we shared yesterday. We love that Michele makes her content available in both formats.

Click here to listen to the episode.