2022 Round Up, Part 1
Blogs for the Missionary Community
We really appreciated how much interest the global missionary community took in our research in 2022. Lauren, Tanya, and Elizabeth were all featured on blogs aimed at missionaries, missionary kids, and member care staff. Here is a selection of our favourites from 2022.

Writing for Global Trellis, Tanya Crossman explores the connection between parental stress and high ACE scores in their children, and how international communities can provide mutual support that improves outcomes for missionary kids.

This memorable piece by Elizabeth Vahey Smith for Taking Route is full of stories that paint a picture of life in the jungle, while making a strong argument for prioritising comfort (and being comforted) as a nececessity—not a luxury.

Elizabeth Vahey Smith also wrote this poignant piece for Velvet Ashes about bridging the gap between loving parents and children who don’t feel loved, sharing how parents can create emotionally safe space for their children.

MK Advocate Michele Phoenix wrote a great article about trauma in missionary kids, citing our research and why it’s important to have these conversations, to explore what trauma looks like for MKs so we can better care for them.
Click here to read the article.
Click here to read the article.
A Life Overseas
Our research (and stories) were featured on mission collective A Life Overseas several times in 2022. We look forward to continuing to write for ALO in 2023!

Lauren Wells explains how her search for answers in the field of Prevention Science led to the ground-breaking research TCK Training conducted on ACE scores in TCKs, how TCKs express their experiences of emotional neglect, and breakthrough strategies for parents.
Click here to read the article.
Click here to read the article.

Tanya Crossman outlines our data on Adverse Childhood Experiences in missionary kids, and practical steps parents and caregivers can take to provide protective factors and preventive care.
Click here to read the article.
Click here to read the article.

Tanya Crossman shares our data on the impact mobility had on outcomes for TCKs, along with suggestions for all those around globally mobile families to provide support proven to improve outcomes.
Click here to read the article.
Click here to read the article.

A Life Overseas editor Elizabeth Trotter, a military kid and missionary homeschool mom, asked us to write about the data we had collected on outcomes for homeschooled missionary kids. In this article, Tanya Crossman shares difficult data along with hope, and practical ways to support homeschooled MKs.
Click here to read the article.
Click here to read the article.

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