Churches Caring for Missionary Kids

We believe together we can raise up a healthier generation of Missionary Kids. 
Sending and supporting Missionary Families is a big task for any church. It can be overwhelming to try to provide what is necessary for your missionaries and their children to thrive on the field!

Feel free to share and distribute this booklet among your staff and all the missionary families you care for! 

Start with our Church Training! 

As experts in Missionary Kid (MK) care, we have seen how the Church is perfectly positioned to fill needs for emotional and spiritual care for missionary families. We want to equip, empower, and support you as you care for missionary families. This training will cover the following topics:
- Foundations of missionary family care
- How your church can cast a vision for MK Care
- What should the church's role be
- How can you equip yourself to fill that role well
Pay one price for your entire team to join the training!
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Church Track

If you're wondering where to start and where to go, this is the training and resource track that we would recommend to churches desiring to best support their missionary families!

Asynchronous  training.

Asynchronous training.

Recording available.

Live and Asynchronous options available.

Did You Know? 

Our research shows that MKs face unique challenges both on the field and when they return to their passport countries. Our resources are designed to help MKs face these challenges and learn to process their experiences well so they can move forward in a healthy way.

How Can You Be a Part of Loving Missionary Kids Well?

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Scroll below to find resources on how to:

  • Train your staff in MK care
  • Cover the cost of a debrief for returning families
  • Provide resources for families 
  • Facilitate an MK event

Check out our blog post by Jessi Bullis, Churches We Need You! (Why the Church is a Critical Piece of Missionary Care) on to find a list of ways you can care well for your missionaries.

What can church staff and volunteers do? 

Prepare Your Team to Receive MKs well

Purchase Retreat Curriculum for Conferences

Be Certified to Facilitate Family Debriefs

High-quality debriefs are one of the most effective elements of preventive TCK care. Our certification program trains you and provides all the materials you need to lead your families through an excellent debrief. 

$675 | 15-hour certification

10% off for teams of 2-9

40% off for teams of 10+
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Available on Amazon and Kindle or email us at for a discount on bulk orders of 10+ books.

Read or Gift the TCK Training Library

What can you give to your Missionary Families? 

Most missionary parents do want to find ways to support their children throughout various transitions and unique difficulties, however they can find the cost of these resources overwhelming. Sending agencies do not always provide member care or resources tailored for TCKs. Gifting these resources to a missionary family would be a practical and tangible way for your church to provide the help families need. 
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Covering the cost of a Family Debrief is an excellent way to show care to a Missionary Family. 

$450+ | Virtual Debrief 
$1600 | In-Person Single Family Debrief
$3500 | Platinum Debrief *On-Site in FL

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Cover the cost of a Family Debrief

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  • Unlimited Distribution of Elementary & Teen Curricula A
  • Unlimited Use of Preventive Care Video Series to train your team, volunteers, and families
  • Access to our foundational workshop, Raising Healthy TCKs, for up to 100 families


    For more information please contact TCK Training at 
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Organizational Packages

"We believe that children shouldn't take the back seat to their parents work or ministry" 
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Free Resources