Resources Designed for international school students living abroad because of their parent's work
We believe...
International Schools deserve targeted resources contextualized to their unique needs.
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International School students living abroad are TCKs
A TCK (Third Culture Kid) is an individual who spent some/all of their developmental years outside their parents' passport country due to their parent's occupation or service, including roles in the military, foreign service, international business, NGOs, missionary work, and related fields. These children and their families are vital to your community, and we invite you to keep them in mind whenever you encounter this term.
In Person Visits
Our trainers fly to you for in person training: PD that is contextualized to the international school setting, coaching sessions for your support staff, interactive student sessions, parent workshops, and more.
Virtual Sessions
An interactive virtual training can be a great, afforadable way to provide contextualized PD for your staff!
In Person Visit Testimony
"I want to again express my deepest thanks for you coming to our school. Your work is invaluable to the success of our families and students. My own family has benefited greatly from your work with TCKs. Our school looks forward to your next visit!" -- Principal
Virtual Session Testimony
"Thank you so much for your session today. Our teachers really enjoyed it. Some of them were still discussing it during lunch time! It gave them an opportunity to reflect on their students and themselves!" -- Head of Secondary
Flexible courses for onboarding & development
Very few options for educator training are specific to the international school context. As experts in preventive care for TCKs and cross-cultural kids, TCK Training provides unique training rooted in a deep understanding of the context in which you live and work. Our flexible courses are well suited for group sessions and for individual, self-guided learning.
Understanding how to support the emotional wellbeing of students navigating the cross-cultural context of international schools.
Resilience and Crisis
Training international school staff in promoting emotional resilience, responding to trauma faced by students, and supporting student mental health.

Quality Education for your whole team
Education, experience, and application build expertise for program coordinators and student welfare staff
There is no college degree in TCK Care, so these trainings were developed to provide excellent education to those caring for TCKs. Even those with years of experience have found that these trainings enhance the quality of their care and services.

SEL Curricula Designed for International School Students
Available Now:
Coming 2025:
Foster a supportive parent community as you learn together about cross-cultural family life
TCK Training are experts in preventive care for Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and we are passionate about supporting parents as they raise their families abroad. We also know that students who have their emotional needs met at home do better in the classroom.
Did You Know?

International School Specific Research-Based Articles
With 150+ resources, there's so much more
We're constantly finding new ways to equip and support organizations like yours, which means our catalog has become quite extensive. If you ever wonder "Does TCK Training have anything for...." please don't hesitate to fill out the form above so we can answer that question.